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Personal Bio

Born and raised in Washington State. In which I lived until I was almost 40 years of age [I’m now 54 years old]

I was born to Louis Edward and Lucille Haskins in 1968. They originally had 12 children of which I was number 7.   Three siblings died at birth, so I grew up with 8 siblings, 5 boys and 4 girls total living siblings.   Since that time both my Mother and my oldest brother have gone home to be with the Lord. 

We were raised upper middle class, in a Christian based home.  Meaning we were in church most of the time.  I was raised C.O.G.I.C. My Dad was the first Black news reporter where I lived and my mother was an executive at the Boeing Co.  My adolescent years were fantastic! We lived in a big home in the suburbs, I had my own room. After my chores were done I can remember playing Basketball all day at the park with my friends. Loved it! A little different these days.

I would tell my parents and other believers that I didn’t want any part of church life. That I was only going to church because I lived under my parents roof but when I am of age that I would never make church apart of my life!  I was a respectful child but very self-driven and willed. My own man!  So I thought.

At 19 years of age, my Dad suffered a major heart attack, several blocked arteries and shortly there after began Pastoring. I made it clear to him that I would have no part of it. 

I was in college at the time he began his ministry. I had an encounter with God which changed the course of my life for ever!  It was Saturday night and I planned to go out to the club with my friends!  I was laying on my grandmothers bed in one of her rooms and all of a sudden I could see the sky outside. My grandmother had an older house, so she did not have any skylights in her home. The sky parted and stairs came down. I saw the similitude of God walk down the steps and I heard him say clearly in my Spirit, to get up, go to church and I will meet you there tomorrow. It was so profound, I knew it was the one who created me speaking to me. I saw him turn around and walk back up the steps. As he walked upward the stairs followed him. When he got to the top of the staircase the sky closed back up. I was shaken!

My thought life immediately changed from trying to get to the club to going to church the next day.  He did not lie, he met me there! The word preached seemed like it was Taylor made for me. Every word spoken was going straight to my heart by the time alter call was called I was sobbing like a baby but I really didn’t know or understand why.  I was at the alter crying and the preacher instructed me to lift up my hands and that’s when I heard his voice again in my spirit. Now this was over 30 years ago but I remember it like it was yesterday.  He said; 1. Give me your life 2. Commit to me today.

Then I felt this overwhelming Love. I told him yes and have been a Christian every since that day. After confession of my new faith. I can remember heading back to my seat, reaching in my heart for all those things that I thought made me a man and they were gone. Like Lust, Hatred and Pride and whatever else. I was shocked!

For a long time to follow I had so much Joy and Peace!I By the power of God I had been changed.  30 plus years later with a lot of Grace, Patience, Prayer and Maturity that same God has graciously given me this ministry!

While in prayer one day I felt God's heart for marriage and how he wanted to help marriages.  Days later while in prayer I saw as far as the human eye could see many fishes stacked on top of each other laying right next to the water just a flipping and a flopping trying to get into the water but could not!  

I knew God wanted to heal and restore marriages and help marriages get in the water and enjoy the gift of marriage.